Noxcod Agency

We are an agency that develops applications and web platforms in No Code. With us, you will have a complete backing and support on your No Code development project.


Our Story

Noxcod was founded by Dominique Silvestre and Robin Fouratier, in Lyon, in November 2020. Both worked in the same company with “classic” web developers. This development model is very time consuming and expensive. So they started to search for a way to solve these problems. No code proved to be the best solution.

They decided to create their own company together.

And now, Noxcod is growing day by the day and their agency has mastered many No Code tools like Bubble, Airtable, Webflow, and many others…

Web development is the heart of our work, and our ambition is to globalise the use of No Code in the world.

To achieve our goal, we want to focus on quality and security. We work with a complete team of French employees. Each project is internalised and carried out in complete safety by No Code development experts in order to meet our client's expectations.

By going beyond simple support for your projects, we aim to be more than a service provider and become your partner.

Our Team

NoxCod is a dynamic, multi-skilled and united team. It is composed of expert developers and designers. An entire team works with you on each No Code project.

We like to explore, experiment, and communicate. We keep a close watch on new digital developments in No Code, to keep an innovative edge and offer you the support that’s best suited to your needs.

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Sites, applications, but not only...


User Story
Design system


Showcase website
Web application
Mobile application
E commerce


API integration
Automatic forms
Tools connection
Operation automation

Over 5 years of No Code expertise

Since our first steps with Bubble technology in 2015, we have completed many projects. Whether for large accounts or start-ups, we have demonstrated a great adaptation and flexibility as a No Code web agency. We have already completed almost one hundred projects.

The growth of our skills over the long term is the result of a complete immersion in the web development community for several years.

As a No Code agency, we have identified the power and speed of No Code web application and platform development.

Noxcod delivered a wide variety of iOS and Android application projects or web platforms in many fields, all in a record development time, 2 months maximum. No Code allows you to get a handle on how to use the various tools in a short time.

With Noxcod, you will have complete and personalised support. Proximity and integrity are our priorities to support you in all your projects.

After completion of the development of your projects, Noxcod supports you in the long term.

Analysis & Brainstorming

We will review all the features of your project. Our objective will be to understand the platform or application and to choose the most appropriate NoCode technology.

In addition to the technological recommendation, we will advise you on functional choices to optimise the platform’s development or application.

Design & Architecture

Many of our clients come to us with an idea and a concept. We are able to help you with the UI and UX of your application in order to quickly develop your application.

Realisation & Support

To help you get the hang of your application, we can make coaching. Our developers spend time with you to help you understand Bubble, webflow, ... in order to become master of your product.

We can provide you e-learning training on certain technologies to learn at your own pace.

Training & coaching

To help you get the hang of your application, we can provide coaching sessions. Our developers will spend time with you to help you understand Bubble, Webflow, … in order to help you master your product.

We can provide you with e-learning training sessions on certain technologies to learn at your own pace.

For overa year, we have set up bubble bootcamp to help you create your own applications.
Our objective: to show that we are all capable of creating an application without a single line of code.

How do we work?

We develop web and mobile platforms for you. We follow work steps that change and evolve according to your project and your needs.
We present you the different steps below:

Week 1
Goal : Defining the project

We will help you formulate the first version of your project during several meetings. We'll give you feedback not only on the development, but also on the UX and growth aspects of your project.
We take your ideas and turn them into documents such as the userflow or database flow. This will help us validate that you have the same vision of the project. This will be the first step in designing your application without code.

Weeks 4-6
Goal : Build the application in the following steps

1. DATABASE MODELLING: We will model the data structure of your application according to the user flows defined during the scoping phase. This step is essential to have a solid basis for the development of your project.
2. BACK-END DEVELOPMENT: We will develop the back-end of your application according to the database modelling done previously. This step allows us to have all the necessary data to develop the front-end of your project.
3. FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT: We will develop the front-end of your application based on the mock-ups and prototypes created during the design phase. This step will provide us with a working version of your project.
4. TEST AND DEPLOYMENT: We will thoroughly test your application thoroughly to ensure that it works properly and deploy it on a server so that it can be used by everyone.

Weeks ♾
Goal : Monitoring your project

1. APPLICATION SUPPORT: For one month after the launch of the application, we will be available for maintenance, technical support and any minor plugin updates you may need.
2. TRAINING: We can train your team in the No Code technologies used so that they can work on your project with ease, and we offer both online and in-person courses for an additional cost as specified in the budget section.

Weeks 2-3
Goal : Design on Figma tools

1. WIREFRAME: Wireframing is the first step in designing your application. It helps us validate the ergonomy and information architecture of your project.
2. DESIGN SYSTEM: We design your application by creating a design system with all the elements necessary for your project: colours, buttons, illustrations, etc. This step is essential to create a unique and consistent identity for your application.
3. MOCK-UP: In this step, we will create high-fidelity mock-ups of all the screens needed to develop your project
4. PROTOTYPING: We will create prototypes of your application to validate the user experience. This will validate the proper functioning of your project before its development.

Week 7
Testing & Launch
Goal : Limited malfunctions

We will test your application to ensure that it works properly. Automated tests on different devices will also be performed.

Noxcod will prepare your team for launch after completing the production of the application. This includes ensuring that the application meets all the requirements and criteria set at the time of signing the project.

Week 1
Goal : Defining the project

We will help you formulate the first version of your project during several meetings. We'll give you feedback not only on the development, but also on the UX and growth aspects of your project.
We take your ideas and turn them into documents such as the userflow or database flow. This will help us to validate that you have the same vision of the project. This will be the first step in designing your application without code.

Weeks 2-3
Goal : Design on Figma tools

1. WIREFRAME: Wireframing is the first step of design your application. It helps us to validate ergonomy and information architecture of your project.
2. DESIGN SYSTEM: We design your application by creating a design system with all the elements necessary for your project: colors, buttons, illustrations, etc. This step is essential to create a unique and consistent identity for your application.
3. MOCK-UP: In this step, we will create high-fidelity mock-ups of all the screens needed to develop your project
4. PROTOTYPING: We will create prototypes of your application to validate the user experience. This will validate the proper functioning of your project before its development.

Weeks 4-6
Goal : Build the application in the following steps

1. DATABASE MODELLING: We will model the data structure of your application according to the user flows defined during the scoping phase. This step is essential to have a good basis for the development of your project.
2. BACK-END DEVELOPMENT: We will develop the back-end of your application according to the database modelling done previously. This step allows us to have all the necessary data to develop the front-end of your project.
3. FRONT-END DEVELOPMENT: We will develop the front-end of your application based on the mock-ups and prototypes created during the design phase. This step will provide us with a working version of your project.
4. TEST AND DEPLOYMENT: We will test your application thoroughly to ensure that it works properly and deploy it on a server so that it can be used by everyone.

Weeks 7
Testing & Launch
Goal : Limited malfunctions

We will test your application to ensure that it works properly. Automated tests on different devices will also be performed.
Noxcod will prepare your team for launch after completing the production of the application. This includes ensuring that the application meets all the requirements and criteria set at the time of signing the project.

Weeks ♾
Goal : Monitoring your project

1. APPLICATION SUPPORT: For one month after the launch of the application, we will be available for maintenance, technical support and any minor plugin updates you may need.
2. TRAINING: We can train your team in the No Code technology used so that they can work on your project with ease, and we offer both online and in-person courses for an additional cost as specified in the budget section.

What we can do

It is important for us to master many new technologies in order to offer the best solutions to fit our customers' needs.

Weweb Agency

Build production-grade web applications 10x faster. WeWeb is a no-code, front-end builder that you can use to build on-top of any back-end.

Microsoft Loop Agency

Microsoft Loop is a collaborative productivity platform recently launched by Microsoft, designed to revolutionize how teams collaborate.

Power Platform Agency

Discover how the Microsoft Power Platform can revolutionize your business. Create tailor-made applications, automate your business processes and analyze your data for informed decisions.

Airtable Agency

Noxcod is an Airtable agency focused on crafting Airtable-based solutions for web and mobile, aimed at meeting your strategic goals. Offering expertise in design, integration, and growth within the Airtable framework, we ensure the success of both organizational and personal projects through dedicated support and tailored strategies.

Notion Agency

Noxcod is a Notion agency that specializes in developing Notion-based systems for web and mobile platforms, aimed at achieving your strategic objectives. We offer guidance and expert advice on design, integration, and growth strategies for your Notion environment, ensuring your organizational and personal projects thrive.

Create your own E-commerce

Your e-commerce via the no-code solution that best suits their needs, whether it's Webflow E-commerce, Shopify,...

Create my own Marketplace

Noxcod puts its expertise in nocode at your service to help you quickly and efficiently create your own marketplace.

Create a data management Internal Platform

Say goodbye to the inefficiencies of Excel spreadsheets and discover the power of No Code to easily manage, manipulate and visualize your data.

Create your showcase site

To strengthen your online visibility, reach your notoriety objectives with Noxcod.

Create my own ERP

Noxcod shares its expertise with you to help you create your own ERP

Create my own CRM

Noxcod shares its expertise with you to help you create your own CRM

Power Automate Agency

Noxcod offers Microsoft Power Automate consulting services to help you automate and optimize your business processes efficiently.

Power Apps Agency

Noxcod shares its know-how to assist you in creating your no-code application with Power Apps consulting services.

Make Agency

We develop automations with to save you time and improve the quality of your processes.

Dittofi Agency

Noxcod is a Dittofi agency that develops your application over your spreadsheets to accelerate your business!

Zapier Agency

Noxcod is a Zapier agency that helps you save time by automating tedious and time-consuming tasks.

Glide Agency

Noxcod is a glide agency that develops your application over your spreadsheets to accelerate your business !

Xano Agency

Expert agency in No code Backend. We develop and help you to develop your Backend. We are able to develop custom backend for your enterprise.

MVP Agency

Noxcod is an expert agency in MVP projects. We design, develop, automate and help you build your project in No code. We are able to develop websites, internal projects, plugins and create iOS and Android apps using No code technologies.

Automation Agency

Expert agency in No code automation. We design, develop and help you develop your automation. We are able to develop custom automation for your company.

Mobile App Agency

Noxcod is a mobile app agency that allows you to develop web and mobile platforms to achieve your goals. Noxcod guides and advises you on all questions of design, interfacing and growth of your application.

No code Agency

Noxcod is an expert agency in No code projects. We design, develop, automate and help you build your project in No code. We are able to develop websites, internal projects, plugins and create iOS and Android apps using No code technologies.

Flutterflow Agency

Noxcod is a Flutterflow and no code agency that will allow you to develop an application to reach your goals. Noxcod guides and advises you on all questions of design, interfaces, and help you with the growth of your app.

Bubble Agency

Noxcod is a Bubble agency that allows you to develop web and mobile platforms to achieve your goals. Noxcod guides and advises you on all questions of design, interfacing and growth of your Bubble platform.

Webflow Agency

Noxcod is a Webflow agency that allows you to develop a website to achieve your goals. Noxcod guides and advises you on all questions of design, interfacing and growth of your website.

The prices we charge

The offers below are subject to change in accordance with the scope of your project. Every project is different and at Noxcod, we adapt to your needs by offering flexible development. Before starting a project, we will advise you on the most suitable No code technology.

Bespoke Project

A product and a team that adapts to your needs.

The Bespoke Project includes :
Flexible development
Wireframe and prototype design possible
Delivery in 2 to 5 weeks
A dedicated project manager
Fixed price
Payment with each step
I want a personalised project
MVP - 15 days

Fast delivery to test your market.

The MVP project includes:
Functional product
10-day development cycle
Design over two days
A dedicated project manager
Support on in definition of the features
I want an MVP
Internal Product

Use No code to develop an application to improve and automate your business processes.

The Internal Product offer includes:
Functional product
Recommendation on the most suitable no code tool
A dedicated project manager
Training your team with the solutions
Implementation of No Code GDPR solutions
I want an Internal Product
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