
Create your showcase site

To strengthen your online visibility, reach your notoriety objectives with Noxcod.


Projects we have completed

Why choose Noxcod for your showcase site?

Noxcod offers an approach centered on your satisfaction. We use NoCode tools such as webflow or Framer to create a high-end, bespoke showcase site that sets you apart from your competition. Let us guide you through the world of NoCode and benefit from a free 30-minute consultation to define the best solution for your business.

Who is a showcase site for?

A showcase site is the ideal digital tool for all businesses, from SMEs to multinationals. Perfect for presenting your services, telling the story of your brand or generating leads, a showcase site allows your company to be present 24/7 on the web and reach a global audience.

We respond to all requests, but what is our method we use to do so?





Our experience in creating a showcase site

NoCode Expertise: Our team of NoCode experts have worked on various projects ranging from the design of mobile applications to the creation of database management systems for different industry sectors.

Customer-centric approach: At Noxcod, we favor a close relationship with our customers. We understand their needs and offer them tailor-made solutions.

Innovative solutions: We harness the power of NoCode tools to create refreshing, modern and engaging showcase sites that capture visitors' attention from the first impression.

Our experts
Antoine Pivot
UX-UI Designer
Robin Fouratier
CTO, Co-Founder
Dominique Silvestre
CEO, Co-Founder

Price list - Ask for a quote

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What is a showcase site?

A showcase site is a website intended to present your company, your products and services and to amplify your online visibility. Our showcase sites are distinguished by:

The design: Our sites are distinguished by their modern and clean design, which guarantees the best visual impact for your brand.

Ergonomics: We favor intuitive and simple navigation to allow your visitors to easily find the information they are looking for.

Performance: Whether static, dynamic or responsive, our showcase sites are optimized for maximum performance, with a view to an exceptional user experience.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to create a showcase site?

The time to create a website varies depending on the complexity of the design and the content. With Noxcod's NoCode approach, we can often launch a showcase site within weeks.

Can I update my site myself?

Yes, one of the main advantages of the NoCode technologies we use is that they allow autonomous management of the site. We will train you so that you are able to do the updates yourself.

Will my site be mobile-friendly?

Absolutely, all of the sites we build are responsive, which means that they resize according to the screen size of the visitor's device, whether it's desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphones.

Will my site be optimized for SEO?

Yes, at Noxcod we implement SEO practices to help your site rank higher in search engine results.

How can I measure the performance of my site?

We may integrate web analytics tools such as Google Analytics into your site which will help monitor and analyze traffic, and identify areas for improvement.

Our projects

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