
Create my own ERP

Noxcod shares its expertise with you to help you create your own ERP


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Why choose Noxcod for creating my ERP?

Opting for a personalized ERP in No Code offers major advantages: precise adaptation to your processes, scalable flexibility to follow your changing needs, fluid integration with other systems, and substantial savings thanks to a low need for technical resources for an efficient system.

Noxcod is an expert web agency in the creation of No Code applications.

We guide and advise you on all issues of design, interfacing, and growth of your application.

Who is a ERP for?

ERP concerns all the professions involved in the management of the company and requiring access to and manipulation of data and transversal processes. Professionals working with ERP can be systems administrators, management consultants, data analysts or software developers. They assume areas such as finance, production, purchasing, sales and human resources.

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Our experience in ERP Creation

An ERP specialized for your needs

Tailoring the ERP precisely to your business processes becomes feasible, accommodating specific needs that might not be met by pre-existing solutions. This approach offers flexibility over time, allowing easy adjustments to keep up with evolving business requirements. No Code empowers you to shape an ERP solution that aligns perfectly with your unique business landscape.

Work with expert of No Code

We wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to mastering emerging tools and consistently enhancing our proficiency through continuous training on cutting-edge platforms. This vigilant approach empowers us to offer informed guidance, enabling us to recommend the most fitting technologies based on your unique constraints.

Work for the long term

An ERP is a software that takes a long time to set up. Indeed, your needs and the data you process will evolve over time. This is why we make sure to create a relationship of trust with you in order to work on the new functionalities of your ERP and guarantee the longevity of their application.

Our experts
Robin Fouratier
CTO, Co-Founder
Dominique Silvestre
CEO, Co-Founder

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What is an ERP?

An ERP is a complete system that integrates different functions of the company, such as finance, supply chain, production, sales, human resources and much more.

Optimization of efficiency

An ERP helps streamline business processes, reduce duplication, and automate tasks, resulting in improved business efficiency.

Informed decision making

The analysis and reporting features of an ERP provide in-depth insights into business performance, enabling informed and strategic decision-making.

Process integration

By linking the different functions of the company, an ERP promotes collaboration between departments and optimizes workflows.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How to choose an ERP system?

Selecting an ERP system involves a focused process:

  • Start by assessing your business needs and processes.
  • Next, research ERP options that fit your industry and scalability requirements.
  • Prioritize user-friendly interfaces and strong vendor support for a smooth ERP experience.

However, the ERP landscape is vast and not necessarily adapted to your needs. You can create your own ERP focus on your needs.

Which is the best ERP software?

The "best" ERP software depends on your specific business needs, industry, and preferences. here are several well-regarded ERP software options available, each with its own strengths. The most famous is Oracle Netsuite, a cloud-based solution suitable for businesses of all sizes. It provides modules for finance, CRM, e-commerce, and more.

In fact, if you want an ERP that fits your needs exactly, we recommend building your own based on No Code technology like

How to build your own ERP system ?

We're here to build your custom ERP system using no-code tools. Our process begins with understanding your unique needs and modules.

We select the right No Code platform, design interfaces and create workflows tailored to your vision. We migrate data and automate processes, we ensure a smooth transition. We perform rigorous testing ensuring seamless functionality. Finally, we train and support you to ensure the success of your team.

How to make an ERP based from Excel?

To construct an ERP system based from Excel, first identify your business processes and module needs, then organize data into separate sheets for each module.

Consider using a database management system like Microsoft Access to enhance data organization and relationships. Import Excel data into Access, design user-friendly forms in Excel, and implement automation through macros or tools like Power Automate. Utilize Excel's analytical features for insights, but bear in mind the potential limitations of scalability and complexity as your business grows.

However, we suggest that you create an ERP with other powerful tools like Bubble or Appsmith to give you more possibilities.

Who are the primary users of ERP systems?

Executives rely on them for strategic decisions, while finance, HR, supply chain, and production teams optimize operations. Sales and marketing utilize them for customer management. ERP systems foster streamlined communication and efficiency across the organization.

Which technology should I choose to create my ERP?

No-code technologies allow for the development of applications without traditional coding. It empowers non-developers to create applications or systems through graphical interfaces and configuration instead. Here are a few no-code tools you can consider to develop your ERP:

Microsoft Power Apps: Leverage the extensive Microsoft suite to create applications that directly feed into your existing stack.

Mendix: Known for robust application development, including integration with machine learning capabilities, IoT, and more.

Airtable: A popular database tool that provides a variety of ready templates and even allows building ERP modules from scratch.

Bubble: A versatile tool that can be molded into an ERP with enough creativity and configuration.

Remember, the choice of a no-code platform should depend on your project's complexity, available budget, and necessary integrations. Make sure to analyze and choose a platform that fits your company's unique needs.

What are the primary business benefits of an ERP system?

An ERP system offers streamlined operations, centralized data, real-time insights, cost savings, and an enhanced customer experience as its top business benefits.

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