Openstreet Map - Bubble Plugin
A simple version of leaflet map with marker support, custom icon support, and some other capabilities.
Demo App: Your Bubble app (bubbleapps.io)
Editor: Noxcod-plugins | Bubble Editor
A simple version of leaflet map with marker support, custom icon support, and some other capabilities.
This plugin uses maptiler.com as a tiler provider.
- Markers with custom icons.
- Select address, and icon properties for markers.
- Set default marker icon.
- Set initial center & center icon & max, min zoom levels. Locate to the current location, change the center of the map, and zoom level dynamically by the workflow actions.
- Automatically retrieve the current zoom level and a map center.
- Trigger workflows on any click of any marker. Also use the corresponding data in your workflow
How to use
- Enter your own Google Geocode API Key in your bubble app setting.
- Please visit the link here for more information.
- Please the “Leaflet Map” element on your app, and set up the properties.
- Map Center - The initial center of the map.
- Center Icon - The center icon of the initial map center.
- Initial Zoom - Choose the initial Zoom level
- Max Zoom - The maximum zoom level up to which this layer will be displayed
- Min Zoom - The minimum zoom level down to which this layer will be displayed
- Marker Type - Choose the type of data source.
- Data source - Choose the data source of markers.
- Address Field - Choose the field for each marker’s position.
- Icon Field - Choose the field for the custom icon of each marker.
- Default Icon - Choose the default icon of each marker.
Exposed states
- Map ID - Unique ID of the map element.
- Selected Marker - The data assigned to a chosen marker.
- Current Zoom - The current zoom level of the map.
- Current Center - The current map center.
- Locate - Pan to the current location.
- Center to address - Pan to the specified address.
- Set Zoom level - Set the zoom level of the map.
- Marker Clicked - Fired when a marker is clicked.
- Zoom Ended - Fired when the map zoom changed, after any animations.
- Move Ended - Fired when the center of the map stops changing (e.g. user stopped dragging the map or after non-centered zoom).
- Map loaded - Fired when the map is initialized (when its center and zoom are set for the first time).